Wednesday 4 June 2014

Developments In Editing Part 2

Manipulation of Diegetic Time and Space:

Manipulation of diegetic time and space is when an edit is made to a piece of film to make the subject or environment change over time. For example a person could be shown getting older therefore an edit is made to show them gradually becoming frail, wrinkly and greyer over time.
 Manipulation of Diegetic Time and Space- The Curious Case of Benjamin Button
This is a great example of the use of editing to create a sense of time and age to a person. Within the film the subject 'Benjamin Button' is getting progressively younger as opposed to growing older, this is shown by at first being old and frail to then becoming more fitter, younger and eventually becoming so young that he is a baby again.
Analogue and Digital:
Back in the early days of film all editing was analogue editing. This involved using a razor blade and a diagonal splicing block to cut and edit the pieces of film you wanted by then taping it back together again. Over the years editing has evolved with the invention of computers and computers becoming easily accessible from the early 2000's. With this digital editing has become more popular through the use of software programmes such as Avid. However these programmed computers can cost thousands of pounds. The video below shows how analogue film editing took place in the early days of film.

Digital editing is done by the process of using computerised software to cut and change footage. Editing digitally allows you to add transitions easily between shots and can also provide you with the opportunity to change the feel of the film by possibly adding colour to the shots or changing the audio to make it higher or lower in pitch.

A big development in editing came when pieces of film were no longer recorded on film reels, these reels were low in capacity with average 11 minute silent film just about fitting on to a standard size reel. If a Hollywood movie from this day and age was to be put on a film reel, it would need 5, 1000ft long reels in order to play the movie at length.

With the development of video and digital storing of movies, not only is the quality extremely more profound but the amount of space needed is very little. The digital storage space needed may be large but the physical space needed compared to huge, chunky reels is really very little.

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